Sasha Bruce

When you said you work for Sasha Bruce…

Sasha Bruce Youthwork has been combating youth homelessness for more than 40 years.  We were reminded of this recently when the Director of our shelter was slipped the following note during a training on positive youth development*:  Sir: When you said you work for...
A Diamond in the Rough

A Diamond in the Rough

I WAS ON THE VERGE OF BEING HOMELESS.  It was 2015, I was 23 years old– my feelings were hurt.  I was feeling lost. I couldn’t believe that I was on the verge of being HOMELESS.  Since 1992, the year that I was born, I had always had a place to call home.  I...

Steven – in his own words

My name is Steven and I am 17 years old; my first high was when I was 12.  I did not go anywhere without a hit or a pill being popped. I never wanted to stop cause I remember why I started.  I hurry to the next thing to numb me for my mother is so frustrated with me...

Ruby’s Story

When Ruby first contacted ILP she was 16 and recovering from a crack cocaine addiction, after a childhood spent in homeless shelters and on the streets. Now, at 30, she is married with two children, has a steady and rewarding government job and owns her own home. “The...


My name is Faith. I am a recent graduate of Sasha Bruce Youthwork’s Transitional Living Program. Before I knew about Sasha Bruce Youthwork, I thought that my life had no purpose or meaning. I didn’t really care about my future. I wasn’t in school, didn’t have a job...