Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman John Conyers to visit Sasha Bruce



Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman John Conyers to visit Sasha Bruce

Tomorrow, Wednesday July 19th, Senator Bernie Sanders, Congressman John Conyers, and Kisha Bird, Director of Youth Policy at CLASP, will join us for a panel discussion about youth employment opportunities.  Young people from several of Sasha Bruce’s programs – including our Workforce Development, Summer Youth Employment and Teen Outreach Programs – will have the opportunity to weigh in on federal policy and discuss their own experiences with the job market.  Sanders and Conyers also will discuss an upcoming bill, The Employ Young Americans Now Act, which would provide $5.5 billion in immediate funding to employ one million young Americans in summer and year-round jobs; and will provide hundreds of thousands of young Americans with the job training and skills they need for the jobs of the future.  For more information about the bill, please see this fact sheet.

Stay tuned for a Facebook livestream of the event and other social media updates!  For more information, please contact Jim Beck at 202-675-9340 or

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