Unexpected Charity

Unexpected Charity

Sometimes the best gifts are those you have not anticipated. Case in point is this note from Reverend Archene Turner, the coordinator of a youth ministry at Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Chruch in Bethesda.

Our 9th graders in their coming of age program at our church on saturday decided to collect monies for Sasha Bruce youth…our coming of age program recognizes youth in their journey to becoming responsible, actualized, contributing adults to our world. They collected $264…they would like to come down to your center to deliver the check personally. They said in the ceremony:

“As a part of our Coming of Age Ceremony we decided to hold a collection and we will donate the money to the Sasha Bruce House. The Sasha Bruce House provides shelter for at risk teens and families in the poorest areas of DC. The Sasha Bruce House is the only shelter for youth in DC. The House provides youth development programs to help decrease the rate of teen pregnancy as well as many other programs. The foundation started in 1974 and since then has been the largest provider of youth services in DC. We feel that part of coming of age and becoming an adult is becoming aware of your surroundings and others in need of your help and support. By donating to the Sasha Bruce House we are helping other teens our age that are becoming young adults as well. “

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