From History Class to New York City

From History Class to New York City

Alberta Jones of SBY’s YouthBuild Program recounts her experience on our recent field trip to study US immigration history at the Statue of Liberty. And we managed to have some fun, too.

“The experience in New York was awesome. We first started out on the road at six o clock in the morning. When we arrived, we checked in for our tickets for the ferry boat ride to see the Statue of Liberty. When we got there it was so cold out, we had to wrap up real good. I don’t think we were prepared for the cold of New York….

“As the ferry stopped at our destination, we made our way off the rocky boat. We stood right under her — the beautiful Statue of Liberty — which I call The Lady. As we walked around her, we took pictures, read all about her history, and walked a lot of stairs. We had to be quick about it, because we had to be on schedule….”

The next part of the New York trip was a visit to 106 and Park, a Hip Hop/RB music and video highlight show. Students were excited to represent DC on the show and display to their friends one the benefits of personal sacrifice and pursuing your goals – dancing with the stars! Here is Alberta’s description of the studio event:

“We arrived at the studio promptly. We signed a contract, listened to the rules and regulations. Then we were chosen to be the first group upstairs into the main taping area. After being seated, we were told that the guest on the show was going to be the one and only Ciara…

“Ciara introduced her song Never Ever, and she did a dance called The Matrix. We clapped and danced with her. Finally, we headed back to Washington safe and sleepy. We really appreciated the opportunity that we were given to see and be in New York City. Thank you Sasha Bruce.”

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