Tracy’s Story – Growth Through Independence

Tracy’s Story – Growth Through Independence

Tracy is sixteen years old. Working with the staff of our Zocalo Program, she transitioned from an unsustainable, unsafe environment, to taking control of her life and becoming a consistent Honor Roll student, living in her very own apartment.

Tracy began her time with Sasha Bruce Youthwork at our Zocalo in-home counseling program. She was having trouble both at home and in school. Specifically, Tracy was not complying with rules in the home, had a difficult relationship with her mother, and was rarely attending classes. Her mother was a substance abuser, and had been evicted from her primary housing and become unemployed.

The Zocalo Outreach Counselor worked with the family to establish a crisis plan. Through on-going one-to-one and family counseling sessions, it was determined that Tracy would be best served by placement in SBY’s Independent Living Program where she continues to reside.

Today, Tracy attends school regularly and is working part-time. Counseling services continue with the family to support sustained open and effective communication. Teachers have reported a positive change in Tracy’s ability to focus in school including consistency in completing assignments, perfect attendance, and a new-found initiative, all culminating in her current status as an Honor Roll student.

While there is always room for personal growth, Tracy has made great strides in improving family relations, school connection and responsibility. Tracy’s mother has received support with her substance abuse issues, housing, and employment services, and continues to engage in the family counseling component to provide Tracy with the family support required for her continued success.

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